Touchless Postcard Kiosk

This application was made with the Ultraleap API and uses the SIR170 hand tracking camera.
In the video below you can see a full runthrough of the app.
This test application allows the customer to experience what it would be like to order a post card without ever touching a screen, mouse or keyboard.
I was the main developer of this app and added several hand tracking features like a signature mode that allows you to draw something mid air and gestures that perform certain actions:

On the quantity selection screen.
- Holding up the amount of fingers to order that amount of cards.

On the signature page.
- Signature mode.
- Grab gesture that resets your writing.
- Pinch & Swipe gesture that will bring you to the next or previous page depending on swipe direction.

Working with this new tech and API and figuring out how to create new gestures was very challenging but it was also a very interesting experience.
